Monday, July 2, 2012

Bread Dough Jewelry

~ Bread-Dough Jewelry~

-- Materials Needed--
- Aleene's Tacky Glue
- Acrylic paint (color of your choosing)
- A Slice of bread
- A cup to mix in (hopefully not a good one)
- Something to mix with

Lets get going:

1*Rip the crust from your slice of bread. 
2* Tear the piece of bread into little pieces, and put in the mixing bowel. 

3* Add a tablespoon of Tacky glue, and the desired amount of paint.

 4* Stir to the consistency of Play Doh

  Woot- You've finished!

Does dry fast, keep in a plastic bag, and enjoy!
By The way: The more Glue you use the more moist the bread will be just don't make it soup.. So once you've made the dough play with it!

Rose Earrings made from bread dough:


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